Unless you have a ton of experience in a specific industry or building websites for certain kinds of folks, this might seem like an impossible task. Plus, why bother committing yourself to only one niche if you could design websites for everyone?
There’s actually a lot of value in choosing a niche as a web designer or web developer.
1- Decide Which Design Services You’ll Offer
Unless you have a ton of experience in a specific industry or building websites for certain kinds of folks, this might seem like an impossible task. Plus, why bother committing yourself to only one niche if you could design websites for everyone?
There’s actually a lot of value in choosing a niche as a web designer or web developer.
2-Choose a Name for Your Design Business
A common question I see in my freelance and entrepreneur Facebook groups is this:
“Should I name my business after myself?”
Let’s say you start as a solo web designer, so you figure using your own name to brand everything is fine. This is what clients as well as the WordPress community have come to know you by.
3- Decide how much to charge for your web design services
Now comes the tricky part, how much should customers pay for your services. When deciding how to start a web design business, you’ll have three different ways to get paid:
Pricing Option #1: Charge an hourly rate
In this method, you set a price for each hour you put into the project. When the project is done, you ask for payment for the total hours you put in. An average hourly freelance rate is between $15 – and $75+, according to Upwork.
A lot of clients expect this kind of payment. It’s incredibly easy to calculate. This is an attractive prospect for freelancers like yourself as you don’t know how long the project will take.
Pricing Option #2: Charge per project
Here, you set the price based on what project you will do. The rate is flat and will depend on the difficulty of the job and your experience as a designer. Usually, the rate is around $500 to well above $5000 per project, according to Ripe Media.